Héloïse Marmouset-de la Taille, Attaché for University and Scientific Cooperation of the Embassy of the French Republic in Ukraine, and Raphael Bosto, Attaché for Armament Affairs of the Embassy of the French Republic in Ukraine, visited Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
During the meeting, Olena Holembiivska, Deputy Dean for Research at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of KPI, PhD, Associate Professor, discussed with the guests issues of biosafety and protection against biohazards. These topics are strategically important for both countries and open up new prospects for joint cooperation.
The meeting participants also discussed potential areas of collaboration, including:
- the integration of artificial intelligence into robotics, industry, and medicine;
- the development of biomedical engineering;
- physical, psychological, and social support for veterans;
- the use of additive technologies in rehabilitation and prosthetics.
The administration, faculty, and researchers of KPI presented successful projects implemented in these areas and proposed ideas for enhancing applied research.
The meeting marked another important step in strengthening international scientific and educational cooperation.