On June 6-7, the associate professor of the Department of Translational Medical Engineering Tetiana Lutsenko, took part in the unforgettable ECIU Forum2024 from the ECIU University Alliance of European Universities as a representative of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and with the support of the EURIZON project (https://www. eurizon-project.eu) It is simply impossible to put into words my impressions and emotions from the organization, professionalism, openness, humanity of this event! The forum was held at the Kaunas Polytechnic University (Kaunas, Lithuania) as part of the ECIU4Ukraine project! Many thanks to the Politechnika Łódzka team for organizing this event. Ten universities took part from the Ukrainian team, all participants will remain in my heart forever! The Forum took part more more than 200 participants, more than 40 workshops were held on the topic of sustainable development, development of a sustainable society, establishment and continuation of inter-university cooperation in various areas of development, including biomedical engineering, biosafety, biodefense!